The Chopping Block Cooking & Wine Blog

A Chef's Love Letter to Sushi

Written by Fonze | Jan 11, 2024 4:30:00 PM


In the vast culinary landscape of Chicago, where every corner boasts a unique flavor, my gastronomic journey took an unexpected turn over the last year. As a chef, my taste buds have traversed the diverse realms of cuisine, but it wasn't until recently that I found myself enamored by the delicate artistry and nuanced flavors of high-end sushi, particularly the captivating world of nigiri.

Nigiri, a form of sushi, has its roots tracing all the way back to 8th-century Japan. Originally conceived as a preservation method, fish was fermented with rice and salt, a far cry from the delicate nigiri we savor today. Sushi slowly evolved over time before eventually growing into the global culinary phenomenon it is known for being today. The transformation of sushi mirrors my own journey—from skepticism to an appreciation for the nuanced artistry of nigiri. 

Picture this: a chef who once wouldn't even entertain the idea of sushi, now singing praises for the intricacies of nigiri. It's a culinary transformation that has opened my eyes to the technical prowess and sheer dedication that goes into crafting each bite of this seemingly simple yet profound delicacy. 

My journey into the world of nigiri began with some exceptional dining experiences at sushi hotspots in Chicago—Sushi by Bou, Sushi by Scratch, and Kyoten Next Door. These establishments have become the pillars of my newfound love affair with sushi, each offering a distinctive take on nigiri that showcases the time and energy invested by skilled chefs. 

Kyoten Next Door, nestled in a northwest neighborhood of Chicago, stands as a testament to tradition. Here, the focus on traditional forms of nigiri is unwavering, allowing the pristine flavors of the fish to take center stage. The meticulous precision and commitment to authenticity elevate the dining experience, making it a pilgrimage for sushi purists.

Sushi by Bou, on the other hand, injects a modern flair into the traditional art of nigiri. It's a fusion of innovation and respect for tradition that sets this establishment apart. The chefs here manage to strike a delicate balance, creating nigiri that feels both contemporary and rooted in the rich history of Japanese culinary artistry.

Then there's Sushi by Scratch, a place that boldly ventures into uncharted territories. Here, nigiri is presented in a progressive, modern fashion that challenges the boundaries of conventional sushi. Imagine the audacity of melting bone marrow over nigiri, an unexpected yet delightful twist that pushes the boundaries of flavor and texture. 

The magic of nigiri lies not only in the quality of ingredients but also in the hands that craft it. The precision required to achieve the perfect balance of rice, fish, and seasoning is an art form in itself. As a chef, I've come to appreciate the technical skill demanded by each piece of nigiri, realizing that it's not just a bite-sized delight but a testament to a chef's dedication and continuous pursuit of excellence. 

So, if you find yourself in Chicago, embark on your own nigiri odyssey. Explore the traditional elegance of Kyoten Next Door, embrace the modern twist at Sushi by Bou, and indulge in the avant-garde creations of Sushi by Scratch. Let the nigiri journey unravel before you, and you might just discover a newfound appreciation for the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into every hand-pressed piece. 

And as you venture beyond sushi, remember the importance of exploring new foods. Trying all dishes at least once is like opening a door to a world of culinary possibilities. Having a dish prepared correctly just once can be a game-changer, altering your entire perspective on food. It's in these culinary adventures that we discover the richness of diverse flavors and the artistry that transcends the kitchen. Check out our regularly running class Flavor Dynamics to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the art of balancing flavors. Our next session is Saturday, February 24 at 12pm.

In the ever-evolving world of culinary exploration, my foray into the realm of nigiri has been a revelation. From a skeptic to a sushi enthusiast, this journey has been nothing short of transformative. Here's to the love for sushi, a passion that has brought me closer to the heart of the kitchen and the essence of exquisite dining. 

If you love sushi as much as me, check out our popular Sushi Workshop on Tuesday, January 23 at 6pm to gain the knowledge to make it at home for yourself and those around you. Savor the journey and keep exploring food.