The Chopping Block Cooking & Wine Blog

What to Binge Watch (and Eat) While You’re Waiting for Summer

Written by Laura S | Apr 15, 2019 1:30:00 PM


You can tell by the way everyone’s walking around, holding their breath and hoping that maybe, just maybe, they can start thinking about where to stash their Patagonia until next winter rolls around: spring is (almost) sprung in Chicago. And so the countdown to the most wonderful time of the year begins. But until the patio bars are officially open and Lake Shore trail gets more congested than Lake Shore Drive, you’ve got some time to kill. 

While you wait out the April showers, you might as well make the best of your new Hulu subscription (thanks, Spotify!) and get all of your binge watching out of the way so you can maximize time outside this summer. Lucky for you, we put together the ultimate guide to what to binge watch and eat while you’re waiting for the sun to shine for good. 

What to Watch:

Netflix’s Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat

This show is adapted from the best-selling cookbook from Samin Nosrat. If you haven’t read this remarkable cookbook yet, you should. Samin (if it’s not too forward of me to call her by her first name) is a true chef who understands and explains the science behind cooking. In the show, Samin takes you through each of the essential elements of cooking by traveling to a different location. What you end up watching ends up being part travelogue, part love letter to food, and one of the best shows on Netflix right now.

What to Eat:

Focaccia from the Fat episode

If you know, you know. If you don’t, there’s only one way to find out. 

PS: If you really want to do a deep dive on this or any other cookbook you love, sign up for the The Chopping Block’s Cook the Book classes! 

What to Watch:

Free Solo (Hulu)

National Geographic followed rock climber and risk-taker Alex Honnold as he took on one of the most harrowing challenges in the world and set out to climb El Capitan without the assistance of ropes or harnesses. The film that results is beautiful, terrifying, and more poignant than you’d expect. Turns out, even someone who actively chases death for a living has a heart. 

What to Eat:

Homemade Sushi

Trust me on this one. You won’t want to look away from the screen long enough to fuss around with spaghetti. Make something easy, like sushi, to enjoy with this jaw-dropping movie. Don’t know how to make sushi? Don’t sweat it — just take a class at TCB. 

What to Watch:

Game of Thrones (HBO)

Okay. I’m going to try to take a deep breath and acknowledge that you may not have watched GoT yet, and that that is okay. But also WHY and WHAT are you DOING with your life? But it’s okay. You’re not ruined yet. Just please watch it. Watch it while the hype is alive and real and you can be a part of something bigger than yourself. Please. 

What to Eat:

Macaroni and Cheese and Greens

It’s the last season of this epic show, and we know that some people we love are going to die. Let’s just plan on needing some comfort food, shall we? Lucky for you, I created a recipe that combines some springy greens with my favorite macaroni and cheese for a plate of comforting food that’s not *all* bad for you. 

What to Watch:

Bodyguard (Netflix)

This political thriller is going to keep you on the edge of your seat from the moment it starts until literally the moment it ends. Season two is forthcoming (thank god), but until then, keep your heart rate up (does this count as cardio?) by binging season one, which, by the way, stars Robb Stark. 

What to Eat:


Sorry, but with a show this intense, you’re going to need a glass of something to calm your nerves. Ask the experts at The Chopping Block to help you find your favorite bottle or stop by a tasting to pick one for yourself.