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CBC Home Box
Culinary Boot Camp 1
Learn to cook in just one week. Seriously. Our Culinary Boot Camp 1 is a professional culinary school education boiled down to just five days and designed for home cooks.
CBC2 Home Box
Culinary Boot Camp 2
Go even further with your culinary education with Culinary Boot Camp 2. You will delve deeper into new subjects and advanced cooking techniques.
Essential Building Blocks Home Page
Essential Building Blocks
Jump start your culinary journey with our new class designed to give you a solid foundation in the kitchen. If you are considering Culinary Boot Camp, this is the place to start!
Mushroom Sauce Home Box-1
Sauce Boot Camp
We'll teach you how to conquer all things sauce-related in this comprehensive, hands-on sauce class.
Artisanal Breads
From pita bread to challah, you'll learn how to switch up your bread baking with different flours, whole grains and yeast.
Tamales Home Box
The Secrets of Mexico
Join us for an all-day immersive experience learning how to prepare a variety of authentic recipes from all over Mexico.
Shakshuka Home Box
Mediterranean Boot Camp
Celebrate fresh and bright flavors with a focus on vegetables, grains, protein, olive oil, spices and herbs to create a distinct assortment of exciting Mediterranean recipes.   
Vegetarian Boot Camp Box
Vegetarian Boot Camp
Broaden your palette of cooking techniques in this one-day immersion into vegetarian cooking. 
Beet Pasta Home
Pasta Boot Camp
Delve deep into regional Italian pastas, making several types of dough from scratch in this hands-on class. 
Chocolate Mousse Cake with Mirror Glaze Home Box
Chocolate Boot Camp
We will uncover chocolate's secrets and teach you the ins and outs of how to expertly work with this exotic ingredient in this hands-on class. 
Ribs on Grill Home Box
Grilling Boot Camp
Our most comprehensive grilling class will give you the tools and know-how for a successful and delicious grilling season!