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  • The Chopping Blog

Autumn Apples

I love autumn. While spring is all green and fresh and lovely, the colors of autumn are incredible. I love all that it brings: the beautiful changing colors on the trees, pumpkins, the slight nip in ...

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Apple Fritter Muffins for Apple Season

Three things prompted my blog post this month. Labor Day weekend 2017 marked the 19th anniversary of my Dad passing away. Like me, my Dad was diabetic, but he never let that stop him from eating his ...

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Time to Make the Donuts: Easy Apple Fritters

Just last weekend, my family and I went to an apple orchard in Fennville, Michigan, called Crane Orchards. It’s perpetually packed on the weekends, and for good reason!

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It’s Time for Another Installment of Apple Fest

If you are an avid reader of The Chopping Blog and a loyal customer to our Lincoln Square location, I don’t have to explain to you what Apple Fest is. But if you are a newcomer, then get ready for ...

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Embracing Fall with NorPro’s Apple Master

Fall is often a mere blip in our city’s seasonal existence, before the long winter comes rolling in. Not this year! After a rather mild summer, Chicago is enjoying a slow, warm transition to fall. We ...

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Got a Surplus of Apples? Make Easy Apple Butter

I love apples. So, what better way to embrace the apple season than going to pick your own? My family and I went apple picking at Crane Orchard in Fennville, Michigan a few weeks ago. We love this ...

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