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  • The Chopping Blog

Wood Fired Sourdough Pizza at Home

Pizza just might be the most recognizable, if not most popular, food in the world! The market for frozen pizza in the U.S. alone is nearly $7 billion dollars with hundreds of brands and styles across ...

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Become Sourdough Savvy in our Virtual Class

If you are on any type of social media, you've seen the barrage of sourdough bread images posted since the beginning of the pandemic. Some of these pictures of beautifully baked bread could come ...

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“Pimento” Sourdough Bites

The sourdough craze has really taken off during the pandemic, perhaps because some people had more free time on their hands. Now that it's football season, I wanted to show off my newfound sourdough ...

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Ethel's Daughter: Quarantine Sourdough Bread Baking

Bread is a very important food in my German culture. In fact, we eat bread with almost every meal in Germany. I count myself fortunate to live near a great bakery called Phlour, a family-owned ...

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Sourdough Starter Tips for Beginners

If you are like me, you’ve never made a sourdough starter nor cared for one. The responsibility of having something else besides my cat to feed did not seem like something I wanted to take on. I’ve ...

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Meet our New Pro-Carb Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Everyone seems to be anti-carb these days so most people wouldn't think a dietitian would be one to embrace bread in a diet, but our new Registered Dietitian Nutritionist claims to be "super ...

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