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  • The Chopping Blog

Simple and Delicious Meals to Start Your Day

I will never tire of hearing the term 'simple and delicious' in regard to meals prepped and enjoyed at home. I am a firm believer in the notion of eating your first meal of the day within the first ...

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Preserving Summer’s Bounty

This is it—what my grandma used to call “the best time of year to eat.” We’re in it now, relishing in mountains of fresh heirloom tomatoes, piles of squash, and more peaches than we know what to do ...

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Summer Vegetable Crunch Wraps

Summer is a time of vibrant colors, fresh flavors, and an abundance of seasonal vegetables. It’s also a great time to get creative in the kitchen by converting some of your fast food favorites into ...

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Nutrient-Dense Smoothies

I began my health-focused journey a few years back and making delicious smoothies became a regular task in my kitchen. There are many things that I love about smoothies. They are simple and easy to ...

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Embrace Spring's Bounty: The Many Benefits of Shopping Seasonally

It’s that time of year when nature starts to awaken with a burst of vibrant colors and flavors. Yes, springtime is emerging all over the country - a time when the earth seemingly comes alive again ...

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Seeds in the Dirt, Grow Grow Grow; Help Me With My Garden

It may be hard to believe, but spring is nearing. Hard to believe, not because it feels like winter just began, but because (at least where I live) it feels like it never began at all. Here in ...

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Low Waste Cooking: Veg Stock and Carrot Ginger Soup

Trying to minimize waste in a home kitchen can be a difficult task. As we prioritize convenience in our daily lives, we end up disposing of plenty of usable and delicious ingredients. And the kicker ...

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Ditch the Potato Salad: 3 Easy Grilled Sides to Bring to your Next BBQ

The summer is far from over and with plenty of sunny days and warm weather ahead, we can expect plenty more barbeques and backyard bashes with friends and family in the next few months.

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Is It Done Yet?

The most frequently asked question I get during our classes here at The Chopping Block is “How long should I cook this?” The students are usually referring to timing for cooking a meat or vegetable. ...

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How to Farmers’ Market

Fellow citizens of the Midwest, we have arrived. Summer is upon us, and so is the bounty of the legendary farmers’ markets. If you’re anything like me, you have them on your family Google calendar so ...

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