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  • The Chopping Blog

My Favorite Potato Salad

With the official first day of Summer not scheduled for another few weeks, Memorial Day always seems to be the unofficial start of the season. It certainly was for us! While we ate indoors, our first ...

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Baked Potatoes: A Clean Slate for a Healthy Meal

Potatoes have gotten less love lately as we have gone crazy swapping carbs for cauliflower. I'm guilty of it too, but have you tasted my Buddha bowl with cauliflower rice? You won't miss the carbs! ...

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Understanding Potatoes

There is one thing most everyone I know has in common: they love potatoes! Fried potatoes, creamed potatoes, baked potatoes, steamed potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, potato pancakes and ...

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Double Double Baked Potatoes

Growing up in the 1980s, one the fanciest side dishes you could get in a restaurant was a double baked potato. Maybe it wasn’t the fanciest but to a little Midwestern picky eater kid, it was the end ...

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5-Ingredient Potato Gratin: The Ultimate Fall Side Dish

In my house, it’s not officially fall until we make potato gratin, a comforting dish of thinly sliced potatoes, cream, garlic and cheese, baked until bubbling and golden brown to perfection. It’s my ...

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Soups are the Key to Season Transitions

It is hard to believe that summer is winding down, and we are getting closer to fall. Fall is a beautiful time of year, and when you are in Chicago, you hope for a nice long fall season, because we ...

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Farmers Market Fritters

Show of hands: how many of you go to the first few farmers markets of the summer and buy all the things, only to get home and wonder, now what do I do with all this vegetable bounty?! 🙋🏻‍♀️

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Welcome Braising Season with Roulade and Dumplings

Time is flying by this year, and we are already planning our holiday offerings, both virtually and in-person at Lincoln Square. We are also continuing to offer outdoor grilling classes, and we've ...

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Cooking en Papillote

After my previous post on grilled Ratatouille, a few people noticed that I had an aluminum foil pouch next to my cast iron pan on the grill and wanted to know what was in it. When I explained it was ...

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Farmers Market Corn and Potato Soup

I am a soup lover. I can eat soup 365 days of the year. Mind you, I am not eating soup on a beach, but in an air conditioned house or my office, so I am good to go. Midwest produce is just starting ...

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