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  • The Chopping Blog

Homemade Snacks: Goldfish Edition

Anyone who knows me, knows I love snacks. I also love recreating classic snacks from scratch. There’s something special about making wholesome food at home with simple ingredients, knowing exactly ...

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Garlicky Creamy Hummus

Hummus is such a versatile item to meal prep and this garlic-packed version is absolutely delicious! Hummus is the perfect vegetarian snack to dip with veggies, pita chips, or a creamy spread to use ...

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Road Trip Diet Survival Guide

The two greatest roadblocks to dietary adherence for most people are maintaining as healthy a diet on the weekends as the weekdays and staying on track when traveling. Those of us in Chicago are ...

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Quick and Easy Snack Substitutes

We are currently in the worst of Winter, with the weather lately forcing big chunks of the country to stay inside as the polar vortex rolled through. With that comes lots of down time and sometimes ...

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Sensible Snacks

A new year is here and many people have decided that now is the time to start creating some healthier lifestyle habits. Beginning a workout routine and aiming to eat healthier overall obviously go ...

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‘Tis The Dip Season

While celebrating the holidays, cheering on favorite sports teams, and avoiding the winter cold, people want to eat their favorite dip dishes together. That being said, after the fifth cheese-based ...

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Food: Transforming America's Table, 1950-2000

Were you a "good eater" as a kid? If you weren't - how old were you when that finally changed?

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