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  • The Chopping Blog

Mary Ross

Mary Ross
Mary Ross is an internationally-recognized wine and food professional, educator and journalist. Read more about Mary at http://www.thechoppingblock.com/meet-our-sommelier.

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Wine Words

It’s not that easy to describe wine anymore. In the previous century, when I was a newbie sommelier, all you needed was one word: typique.

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Explore Your Primal Culinary Urge with Wine and Cheese

In all the years I’ve taught wine and food seminars, a guest may have told me “I don’t like halibut,” or maybe “I’m not fond of Thai food.” But I’ve never heard anyone say “I don’t like cheese.”

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Sparkling Cocktails with a Shining History

Maybe you need a new way to enjoy all your bubbly leftover from the holidays. Maybe you have just one bottle to lubricate 10 guests. Or maybe your favorite sparkler has just a few ounces left in the ...

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Your Top Sparkling Wine Questions Answered

Wine with bubbles, what’s not to love? It plays well with other beverages as the base for famous (and infamous cocktails), can turn any event (Tuesday laundry, for instance) into a special occasion ...

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From Spain's Cellar to your Table

It takes patience, along with something else that’s in short supply these days, to ease a red wine into maturity and that’s adequate storage.

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Learn Your Wine Likes at a Retail Wine Tasting

Are you a wine drinker who says, “I don’t know much about wine, but I know what I like.”? If so, you can increase your likes by attending retail wine tastings that bring wine power to the people.

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New Wines for Warm-Weather Classes

The Chopping Block’s wine team has been hard at work – tasting, tasting, tasting – to find new wines for you to pair with food, whether at home, during Happy Hour or while you’re hard at work - ...

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Pinot Blanc, an Eggs-ellent Wine for Breakfast (Lunch and Dinner)

Between Winter’s silvery chill and Summer’s golden heat is the mellow yellow, shimmering warmth of Spring sunshine. Between the minerally leanness of Alpine Pinot Grigio and lush California ...

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When Opposites Attract in Food and Wine Pairing

The first step to creating a memorable wine and food experience is to find a common denominator between food and drink – turkey and cranberry sauce, for instance, served with a Pinot Noir, which is ...

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New Ways to Wine and Dine

To enjoy during class or at home, we’ve added new wines to The Chopping Block’s wine list, and new ways to enjoy them!

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