Lincoln Square's Apple Fest is right around the corner, which gets me thinking about all things apple. When September rolls around, I am excited to go pick apples. The first thing that comes to mind ...
My passion for pie started at a very young age. My grandmother Ruby was a pie aficionado - her chocolate pie was hands down the best I ever tasted, somehow intense with chocolate, yet light as a ...
I always look forward to Autumn, when the weather gets cooler, I can get out my boots, throw on some flannel, and enjoy all my favorite fall activities. At the top of my list of fall activities is ...
My grandma is a legendary pie crust maker. She knows her way around a canister of Crisco like nobody else, and the flakiness she gets in her pie crust is unmatched. I have her recipe, but mine never ...
Zucchini season is just around the corner and with that comes the inevitable mass quantities of it. If you are a gardener, you know exactly what I am talking about. Us gardeners are coupled with the ...
Show of hands: how many of you get so excited to go apple picking and then come home and pour all the apples out of the bags only to realize you bought enough apples for your whole block? Or is that ...
Now that fall is here, there is one food that seems to be trending over and over… pumpkin. Actually, it is all about the pumpkin spice and not the authentic food. My question is why don’t we start ...
How odd to talk about apples now, right? We have an abundance of fresh Summer fruits and berries available, and I’m suggesting you cook with apples? But stick with me for a minute! What’s one of the ...
Who doesn’t love empanadas? They are the perfect size hand-held treat, and can be sweet or savory depending on what mood you’re in. Savory empanadas can be filled with meat, seafood, cheese or ...
Every time I visit my sister and brother-in-law in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I insist on eating as many dishes with chilies as possible. I say to them all of the time, "I have to eat all of the chilies!" ...