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  • The Chopping Blog

Avoid a Sugar Overload and Learn How to Can and Preserve Naturally

Refined sugar is public enemy number one today. So, what's a home cook who loves to can and preserve summer fruits and vegetables to do? Can the natural way!

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Canning Tomato Salsa: A Labor of Love

It's almost that time again! I'm referring to the art of making summer last throughout the fall and winter months. I don't have any magic tricks up my sleeve to accomplish this task… just some ...

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My Bloody Valentine: It's Blood Orange Season

Blood oranges are one of my favorite fruits. Their sweet and tangy flesh yields a distinctly vibrant juice and they are a great addition to salads, salsas and your snack drawer!

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How to Pickle a Peck of Peppers

One of my favorite things about working with food and cooking is that there is always something new to learn. There are so many ingredients, styles and techniques that we have virtually endless ...

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Papa's Hot Peppers: No Canning Required

As much as I hate that summer is coming to an end, this time of year does bring back a fond childhood memory. No, not back to school… but my Papa’s Hot Peppers.

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Easy Canning at Home: Making Savory Pepper Jelly

Our Summer Canning and Preserving class, which features a new menu, is coming up in a few weeks! Because it’s a new menu, I went ahead and tested a couple of the recipes to ensure they worked well, ...

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Let's Get Pickled

I have a confession to make. I am crazy about pickles! I can easily polish off a jar without much effort. Several years ago, after my local grocery store stopped selling one of my favorite brands of ...

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You Can Can

I grew up in a family where canning was just something you had to do. Although I enjoyed every minute as a young girl watching my mother slave over hot gurgling pressure cookers and mounds of fruits ...

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