I am often asked the following questions: What is your favorite dish to cook? How did you start The Chopping Block? What is your favorite restaurant? What is your top cooking show? All of these ...
I’ve been collecting cookbooks since I was a child, and for me, they’ve always been more than just recipes on paper. My interest in cooking began early, sparked by my father, who bought me my first ...
We’re here. Fall has arrived, and with it, the promise of a Chicago winter to come. Though the weather this fall has been deceivingly gorgeous, there’s cold, dark days ahead, and we all know it. I ...
Looking around at the landscape of what types of books are being published when it comes to cooking, you could be forgiven for thinking that your only options are books from celebrities of one flavor ...
In fine dining circles, being very into meat has fallen a bit out of fashion. It’s much cooler at the moment to have a maniacal focus on vegetables or seafood—particularly fish[1]. I bet if you ...
The Whole Fish Trilogy: Books to Level-Up Your Seafood Game
I grew up in a small town in upstate New York that didn’t have much access to seafood in general, and I don’t think I’d be exaggerating to say virtually no access to truly good seafood at all. I ...
In case you weren’t aware, I’m a cookbook addict. I can’t even tell you how many I own—all I can say is that they long out-grew my kitchen shelves. I just can’t help it. I love flipping through and ...
I’m so thrilled to be back with The Chopping Block’s fabulous blog team yet again! During my hiatus, I’ve been taking lots of pictures of food and cooking up a storm as per usual. Since the last time ...
Whenever students ask me what my favorite regional cuisine is I always say that its impossible to choose a favorite because blah blah blah… but the real answer is Mexican food. Mexican food is ...
As a chef instructor at The Chopping Block, I work with hundreds of home cooks all with varying levels of comfort in the kitchen. My goal and hope is to identify where they can find an edge to help ...