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  • The Chopping Blog

What is the MIND Diet?

In the last few years, the health of our brain has been a growing topic of interest. When we explore brain health, it’s not just about mental health. The brain is one of our most important organs to ...

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Setting Yourself Up for Success in the New Year

The start of the new year encourages many people to come up with ambitious ideas of how they will change their lives for the better, with a large chunk of these goals pertaining to being healthier ...

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7 Tricks to Eat Healthier in 2020

It’s that time of year, when people start reflecting on the past year and thinking about the year ahead. If you are like so many others, planning for the year to come often includes setting goals to ...

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Food is Medicine, So Let’s Use It

An opinion article was recently published entitled “Our Food Is Killing Too Many of Us.” After being initially taken aback by the heavy, straight-forward title of the article, the subtitle stated ...

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A Playbook of Healthy Game Day Food

If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, even the most basic vegetables can take on loads of new flavor notes if cooked properly. With football season fully underway, watch parties ...

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6 Ways to Make Your Diet More Mediterranean

Of all the places on my list to travel, Greece has always been at the top. I recently had the pleasure of checking this one off the list. The most common post trip question has been, what was your ...

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Meet our New Pro-Carb Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Everyone seems to be anti-carb these days so most people wouldn't think a dietitian would be one to embrace bread in a diet, but our new Registered Dietitian Nutritionist claims to be "super ...

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Road Trip Diet Survival Guide

The two greatest roadblocks to dietary adherence for most people are maintaining as healthy a diet on the weekends as the weekdays and staying on track when traveling. Those of us in Chicago are ...

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Making Sense of Your Metabolism

Over years of working with training and nutrition clients, there are a handful of questions I get asked over and over again that have pretty basic answers. Unfortunately, due to all the exercise and ...

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Protein Popsicles

The average gym goer with a goal of fat loss would probably see some improvements to their physique if they added some protein into their diet and removed some carbs and fats. That's easier said than ...

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