Fall in Love with Apples' Health Benefits and this Recipe
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. We've heard this old-school mantra all our lives. But just how true is that statement about the quintessential fall fruit?
Feeding My Sourdough Starter Rye Flour: A Flavorful Twist
One of the joys of maintaining a sourdough starter is its versatility. It adapts easily to different flours, making every loaf a new adventure. If you’re just starting out with sourdough, you might ...
Lincoln Square's Apple Fest is right around the corner, which gets me thinking about all things apple. When September rolls around, I am excited to go pick apples. The first thing that comes to mind ...
Is it apple season? Or pumpkin season? Or both? Some people have strong opinions on which fall flavor reigns supreme. I do love a pumpkin spice latte (I’ll admit that I’ve already enjoyed one this ...
Summer is coming to an end, but you wouldn’t know it with this recent heat wave that we’ve been having here in Chicago. The best way to cool off is to make some homemade ice cream. I don’t know about ...
When I saw that The Chopping Block was offering a Cooking for Life class, I was SO excited! The class is focused on eating to nourish your body and mind, which is exactly what I’ve been doing for ...
One of the best parts of planning a trip is researching the local food scene to make sure I hit all of the highlights. I recently returned from a trip to Maui, Hawai'i with my sister, and the food ...
I will never tire of hearing the term 'simple and delicious' in regard to meals prepped and enjoyed at home. I am a firm believer in the notion of eating your first meal of the day within the first ...
My love for tomatoes started when I was really little, eating them straight off the vine from the garden. Tomatoes are so versatile, you can do just about anything with them. From eating them raw to ...
If you’ve been following my culinary adventures, you might remember that time I burnt my onions (on purpose, of course!) and made a leek ash, or the deep dive we took into the world of fermentation ...