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  • The Chopping Blog

Sweet S'more Dessert Arancini

I just love when I have a 'Eureka!' in the kitchen. It’s that moment when you come up with an idea and just need to test it out to see if it works. I am sure I have not reinvented the wheel and ...

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Red Beans and Rice: A Louisiana Favorite

I'm back with another bean edition! I have such a variety of beans stocked up that I might as well pop in every so often with a new bean recipe for you. Legumes have been a big part of my heritage, ...

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Crispy Rice Advice

The best part of being a home cook is challenging yourself. We try new foods, exciting techniques and reinvent restaurant classics. Some processes take multiple attempts but then there is a magic ...

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How to Make Amazing Arancini

I was recently watching Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy where Stanley travels to the island of Sicily and enjoys many mouth-watering regional specialties. One of the dishes that’s talked about in ...

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For a Pescatarian Party, Make Salmon Coulibiac

When both of your siblings are vegetarians/pescatarians, it makes menu planning for holidays like Thanksgiving a challenge. The traditional turkey and ham don't work as entrée options when the whole ...

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The Best Dish for Clearing Out Your Fridge: Fried Rice

Fried rice has a lot going for it. It's fast, it can be made with just about any set of ingredients, it's cheap to make, and—above all—it's totally delicious when made well. Unfortunately, I find ...

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White vs. Brown Rice: The Final Battle

"My Korean ancestors would smite me where I stand today if I tried to use brown rice in gimbap. So, we are using white rice.”

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Risotto is a Late Night Rescue

Risotto is not my first go-to dish in the summer. Steamy rich starches sound better on a frigid February night than a heat index July evening. However, arriving home after a late night working ...

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Adobo: Verb, Noun or Adjective Part 1

Language and parts of speech always fascinate me. I look at words with multiple meanings and get caught up in how they are used in a sentence or how to put action to the word. This interest started ...

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Chinese Sausage Fried Rice

Growing up during the 70’s in a small Iowa town didn’t really expose me to much in the way of Chinese food. My mom made a few attempts at cooking Chinese food, mostly inspired by the “Chinese” ...

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