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  • The Chopping Blog

Don't Toss those Carrot Tops

Easter is just around the corner, and glazed carrots are always part of my holiday dinner. This year, I'm growing carrots in my garden from seed, so I was lucky enough to have a good batch of small ...

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Make it to Spring with Sweet Potato Curry

One of my go to comfort foods this winter has been flavorful curry dishes. There’s something about the warm spices and aromas that makes these last few weeks of cold not seem so bad. I came across ...

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Eating Well Can be a Treat for the Senses

Our Chef's Dinner last week with Chef Maria Clementi was full of flavorful vegetable dishes that reflect spring's bounty of produce. Her dinner was a great way of bridging the gap between healthy ...

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A Key Ingredient for Weight Loss and Wellness

I’ve learned the secret to life-long health. It’s not a diet or a pill, and it’s actually found in many of the foods you may already know and love. If you’re like me and simply live for life’s ...

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Praise Seitan! A “Meaty” Vegan Staple Must

“But… what do vegans eat?” If I had a nickel for every time i was asked that question, I’d have… well, I’d have a lot of nickels! Most people are aware of tofu, and even tempeh, as major vegan ...

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Tofu 101: Taking the Blech out of the Bean Curd

A culinary staple originating from East & Southeast Asia, tofu has made its way to the Western world’s food scene over the past few decades. It is low in calorie, cholesterol-free, and high in ...

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The Summer of CSA and Farmers Market Inspiration

While the weather may not be cooperating, Chicagoans are ready for summer! We are pushing through the cold and rain to attend baseball games, concerts, festivals and farmer’s markets. Considering the ...

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Eating for Wound Healing

Almost three months ago, my cousin sustained a terrible injury to her leg – I’ll just say it involves a double break and massive interior leg burns. Pictures of her injury wouldn’t help with anyone’s ...

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Worry What to Bring to a Potluck? Everyone’s a Winner at a Potluck

I love potlucks. There is nothing that fills my heart more than seeing a huge variety of dishes out for me to sample.

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At Home in the Kitchen

This time of year always reminds me of my initial decision to move to Chicago. I had lofty expectations for food adventures in the big city - I would eat at the best restaurants, I would sip fabulous ...

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