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  • The Chopping Blog

Laura S

Laura S
Laura Scherb is a food writer, photographer, and stylist in Chicago, IL. A native of Pittsburgh, she now lives in Evanston with her husband and two cats. Her work (and Substack!) can be found at www.pageandplate.com and she can be reached at laura@pageandplate.com.
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Recent Posts

4 Things to Do with Pumpkin Besides Make a Pie

I am infamous in my family for my deep, passionate dislike for pumpkin pie. In a family of pumpkin pie lovers, I stand out as the black sheep, opting instead for the apple pie, pumpkin cake, or just ...

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The Simple Pleasure of a Summer Shrub

If you, like me, are among the leagues of Americans trying to cut back on alcohol during these dog days of summer, then indulge me in five minutes of your time for a soapbox about shrubs.

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How to Master the Farmers Market

Farmers markets, along with breweries with giant patios, a lakefront that may as well be the ocean, and a skyline like no other make summers in Chicago worth the cold, hard winters we endure. If ...

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Dip into Summer

If there’s one thing that every picnic needs, it’s a good, crowd-pleaser kind of dip. In fact, I would say that about most parties. Most gatherings, even. Basically, if there are more than four ...

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How to Mix Up the Perfect Summer Cocktail

Folks, it’s happening. Summer in Chicago has arrived, the masks are finally coming off, and at long last, there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon. This calls for a drink.

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How to Un-Boring Your Salads

Even though Chicago has stayed stubbornly chilly over the last few days, the buds on the trees and the sun in the sky are hopeful reminders that someday, summer will be here. With farmers’ market ...

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How to Eat Less Meat

As Earth Day looms in the distance and the weather begins to warm, it’s time to talk about one of my favorite hot topics in the world of food: how to reduce your carbon footprint by eating less meat.

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5 Ways to Use Up the Leafy Greens Going Bad in Your Fridge

If you’re anything like me, your fridge is a wreck and has been since approximately this time last year. Cleaning out the refrigerator (especially in the midst of a pandemic) is an onerous task to ...

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A Guide to Holiday Baking

Whoever had the bright idea to stuff all of the holidays on which you’re obligated to cook for other people into one month should be punched. I mean, really! There’s at least two pumpkin pies, ...

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5 Easy Desserts to Master This Fall

I can already feel the comments flooding in, so let me just get this out of the way: I am very aware that, officially, we are still in the throes of a Midwestern summer (new band name; I call it!). ...

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