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  • The Chopping Blog

Grilling For Fall

The grill is an elusive cooking tool here in the Midwest. It sits outside or in the garage all winter, accumulating snow and spider webs, until that moment in the spring where you can’t stand it any ...

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Chickpea Salad Sandwich

When I saw that The Chopping Block was offering a Cooking for Life class, I was SO excited! The class is focused on eating to nourish your body and mind, which is exactly what I’ve been doing for ...

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From Classroom to Kitchen: A Journey from Teacher to Chef

I spent a majority of my adult life teaching at a Reggio Emilia school in Chicago. “Reggio Emilia” is an approach to teaching that centers around the child as a person with developmental rights, each ...

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Celebrate Good Times with Food

There are lots of reasons to host friends and family at your home: to bask in the camaraderie of those you love, to celebrate an event or milestone, or just to have fun. I think for a lot of those ...

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Home Makes Healthier Eating Possible

As a future registered dietitian studying nutrition, I try to make healthy home-cooked meals as much as possible, but that doesn’t always happen. However, there is one aspect of my cooking that gives ...

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A Taste of Hawai'i at Home

One of the best parts of planning a trip is researching the local food scene to make sure I hit all of the highlights. I recently returned from a trip to Maui, Hawai'i with my sister, and the food ...

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School Success Happens in the Kitchen

As a teacher, I strive to nurture my students to be lifelong learners. I want them to make connections between learning in the classroom with what they do outside of the classroom and find learning ...

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Simple and Delicious Meals to Start Your Day

I will never tire of hearing the term 'simple and delicious' in regard to meals prepped and enjoyed at home. I am a firm believer in the notion of eating your first meal of the day within the first ...

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DIY Oyster Bar

Once upon a time in my cooking career, I worked at a seafood restaurant that featured an oyster bar, and it was one of my favorite experiences in my career. That job made me fall in love with all of ...

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Food as Medicine: Nourishing Body and Mind in Everyday Life

Imagine that you visit a doctor or registered dietitian for a particular ailment. They hand you a piece of paper with a prescription (like the good old days) and all it says is to eat one cup of ...

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