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  • The Chopping Blog

Cheese Wiz

Ever since I could remember, cheese has been a staple in my diet. From sneaking chunks of mozzarella cheese as a kid to building charcuterie and cheese boards for get-togethers as an adult. I feel ...

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Culinary Siphons are Not Only for Whipped Cream

I used to love when my mom would buy Reddi-Whip when I was a kid; it was such a fun treat to eat right out of the can. It wasn’t until I grew up and went to culinary school that I started to whip my ...

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A Charcuterie Tree and Other Attempts to be Christmas-like

'Twas the week before Christmas, when all thro' my kitchen, Planning some great food to make the Grinch’s head spin, Recipes were viewed and lined up with care, In hopes that my pantry would not be ...

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Smoke Some Cheese

When I first got my Weber Smoky Mountain smoker this summer, I envisioned eating lots of smoked brisket, pulled pork, ribs, salmon, shrimp and tuna. That's definitely happened to my delight, but I ...

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Instantly Mediterranean

If you love your Instant Pot and air fryer as much as I do, or even if you haven't even taken your appliances out of the box yet, today is a big day. Instantly Mediterranean by Emily Paster is here, ...

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Edible Cheeseboards for All Parties

I love a good food trend, especially if it involves carbs. I jumped on the Garden Focaccia bandwagon as well as Pretzel Focaccia last summer, tested the no-churn ice cream trend a few years ago, ...

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Move Over Fondue, Raclette is Where it's At

I love a good fondue party just as much as anyone. Dipping a multitude of food into melted cheese, hot oil or rich chocolate is a fun and interactive dinner with friends. But there's another cheesy ...

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Going Crazy for Grazing

I have officially jumped on the grazing table and boards bandwagon! This trend of gluttony and gratuitous amounts of foods sprawled throughout entire tables that is meant for people to nibble on and ...

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New Kid on the Goat Cheese Block

When you've been in business for 23 years like The Chopping Block has, we get to witness success stories of former employees who have branched out into their own businesses. It's so cool to see ...

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“Pimento” Sourdough Bites

The sourdough craze has really taken off during the pandemic, perhaps because some people had more free time on their hands. Now that it's football season, I wanted to show off my newfound sourdough ...

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