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  • The Chopping Blog

Cheese Making at Home Part 3: Labneh "Yogurt Cream Cheese"

I will be honest. I had never actually heard of Labneh prior to my cheese making classes at the Ploughshare Institute in Waco, Texas. I was not only intrigued about the cheese making process but also ...

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Cheese Making at Home Part 2: Cream Cheese and Yogurt

I must say I was a little embarrassed that I didn’t know that cream cheese was made from sour cream when I arrived at my two-day cheese making class at the Ploughshare Institute in Waco, Texas. ...

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Cheese Making at Home Part 1: Butter, Buttermilk and Sour Cream

I just got back from a two-day cheese making class at the Ploughshare Institute in Waco, Texas. I couldn’t have been more pleased with the class. When I take classes, I am always looking for ways to ...

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The Power of Parmesan Cheese

Just recently in a class I was teaching at The Chopping Block, a question was asked about how to finish a risotto without parmesan. To which I responded, why wouldn’t you want to finish your risotto ...

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An Adventure in Frying Cheese Curds

Some days, things just fall into place.

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Cheesy Goodness

As we slide into fall, it seems like our appetite for comfort food increases in direct relationship to the drop in temperature.

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