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  • The Chopping Blog


Biz joined The Chopping Block as a Class Assistant in August 2016. Her passion for cooking didn’t really begin until her daughter turned 8, and she realized she’d never convince her daughter to eat veggies if she didn’t learn to cook and eat them herself! Fast forward and her daughter is now 24. She recently ditched her desk job of 20+ years to follow her true passion which is sharing her love of food and cooking. While not at work, she recipe develops, enters recipe contests and maintains a food blog at http://mybizzykitchen.com.

Recent Posts

Healthy Chicken Bake

I’ve had my food blog for just over 14 years, and one of the questions I get asked a lot is to lighten up a recipe or favorite family dish. Recently a woman reached out to me and asked if I could ...

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Classic Tomato Soup

The farmers markets will only be around for a few more weeks, so this is the time I stock up on vegetables and freeze them for later use.

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Simple Pasta Salad for your Holiday Weekend

When I first starting hosting parties at my house 22 years ago, I felt like I had to make everything from scratch. I literally made ketchup and mustard from scratch! But then I quickly realized that ...

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Broccoli Rabe and Shrimp Lo Mein

If you haven’t tried broccoli rabe before, I’d love for you to try this broccoli rabe and shrimp lo mein. It's a quick and easy healthy meal, perfect for just one!

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Blueberry Oat Pancakes

All the summer fruit has been delicious lately, and one of my favorite fruits is blueberries! Be sure to pick some up on your next visit to your local farmer’s market.

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Black Bean Dip for a Healthy Choice at Cookouts

In January of this year, I declared it the year I was going to get in shape and lose weight. For those of you who don’t know, I lost 70 pounds in 1999-2000 and maintained that weight loss for years.

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Do-Ahead Backyard BBQ Sandwiches for a Crowd

Since I live alone, people reach out to me all the time asking how I eat things like beef roasts or pork roasts, if I am typically just serving one person – me!

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Lemon Orzo Soup

My daughter used to work at Panera many years ago. When she got the job, I envisioned her chopping up carrots and celery for the soups and simmering them in the back kitchen before customers arrived ...

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Chopped Broccoli Salad

If you live in a climate that has seasons, like Chicago, by March you are so over winter. When I drive into parking lots and see piles of dirty snow, I wonder sometimes why I live here!

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Miso Red Curry Soup

I can eat soup 365 days a year, but somehow it tastes better when the temperature is below freezing. You should always have a piping how bowl of soup while you watch snow fall outside.

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