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  • The Chopping Blog

Homemade Snacks: Goldfish Edition

Anyone who knows me, knows I love snacks. I also love recreating classic snacks from scratch. There’s something special about making wholesome food at home with simple ingredients, knowing exactly ...

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How to Make an Excellent Breakfast Sandwich

The breakfast sandwich is one of America’s great contributions to global gastronomy. A lot of people like to talk about the U.S. as though it has no original food traditions of its own, or if it ...

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Cheese Sauce 2.0: Sodium Citrate

Have you ever attempted making cheese sauce at home and found it to be a bit of a kitchen challenge? In a world where gluten allergies are on the rise, using a roux isn’t always my go to. And often ...

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Get the Party Started with an Interactive Cheese Board

If you are in any way connecting with the civilized world during the holidays, you are bound to be spending more money than usual. Holiday gifts for the kids, the folks, the partners, the friends, ...

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How to Make Amazing Arancini

I was recently watching Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy where Stanley travels to the island of Sicily and enjoys many mouth-watering regional specialties. One of the dishes that’s talked about in ...

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Rad Raclette Repast

It seems like all my blog posts in winter are about how you should take the opportunity to treat yourself during these dark gloomy months. If the weather can’t help raise your morale, then maybe a ...

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A Legendary Cheese to Warm up your Winter

It can hardly be denied at this point that winter is upon us. Where I live in upstate New York, we have just gotten our first winter storm warning (make sure you have plenty of flashlights, ...

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Cheese Trials Part Two: Burrata

Previously on Cheese Trials: I decided to try my hand at cheese making, something I’ve never really attempted before aside from the very simple ricotta that many cooks learn to make at restaurants. I ...

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Say Cheese to a New Grilled Cheese and Soup Combo

When it comes to food, cheese is definitely my guilty pleasure. It’s my go-to cure for any bad day, not to mention that it’s delicious with wine, which doesn’t hurt either!

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Cheese Trials

As a chef there are a lot of things most people just buy that I’ve tried to make from scratch. There are the basics like bread, ice cream, or mayo, but I’ve also made my own croissants, emulsified ...

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