Imagine you’re hosting a dinner party and there’s a particular dish that everyone is particularly enjoying - so much so that they want to try making it themselves at home. They will, pretty much ...
Many moons ago, I created a class at The Chopping Block called Modernist Boot Camp. This class was… long. And complicated to put on. And expensive. And of limited appeal. For these reasons, the class ...
One of the best parts of planning a trip is researching the local food scene to make sure I hit all of the highlights. I recently returned from a trip to Maui, Hawai'i with my sister, and the food ...
Picture this: you’re the chef of a restaurant where you have a steamed mussels dish on the menu. You got your shipment of mussels on Friday, and the restaurant had a slower weekend than expected. ...
The allure of grilling seafood is a symphony of flavors that dances between the sea and the fire, captivating both the heart and the palate. I invite you to join me in my profound love affair with ...
Just one of the perks of living in the Panhandle of Florida is the close proximity to bays where oysters and scallops are harvested. One of my favorite late summer activities is to go to Cape San ...
I’m writing this blog from Sarasota, Florida, where I’m fortunate enough to be spending a week with my family away from the Chicago winter. I’ve spent an occasional short week down here throughout my ...
When both of your siblings are vegetarians/pescatarians, it makes menu planning for holidays like Thanksgiving a challenge. The traditional turkey and ham don't work as entrée options when the whole ...
I’m fortunate enough to live near a grocery store that has many interesting and exciting ingredients that inspire my culinary creativity. When I make my weekly shopping list, I typically don’t have ...
Those of us who have grown up around diet culture have invariably spent some portion of our lives denying ourselves in the interest of some nebulous concept of “healthiness.” Some who reject the ...