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  • The Chopping Blog

That Wine Simile That Everyone Uses

My whole life I've heard people make the statement that either they or their loved ones are like fine wine, because they're improving with age. Sometimes I agree with this observation, sometimes I ...

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Learn Your Wine Likes at a Retail Wine Tasting

Are you a wine drinker who says, “I don’t know much about wine, but I know what I like.”? If so, you can increase your likes by attending retail wine tastings that bring wine power to the people.

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Wine Ice Cream Floats

Last week our general manager, Kate, tagged me in a Facebook post, challenging me to write a blog about red wine ice cream floats. In general, I don't advocate adulterating wine; a lot of work went ...

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You Cannot Drink the Same Wine Twice

It seems to be in our nature to want things to be constant. If you buy a bottle of wine and enjoy it, you might want to experience that pleasure again, maybe even share it with friends, but you ...

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New Wines for Warm-Weather Classes

The Chopping Block’s wine team has been hard at work – tasting, tasting, tasting – to find new wines for you to pair with food, whether at home, during Happy Hour or while you’re hard at work - ...

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What's So Great About Cabernet Sauvignon?

I always planned to write a blog about Cabernet Sauvignon, because, in many ways, to understand Cab is to understand wine. Unfortunately, I wasn't really sold on the Cabernet we had on our wine list ...

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Understanding German Wine

I love German wines. It's bad, really bad. If this was high school I'd be scribbling, “Justin loves Riesling,” in the margins of all my notebooks and have a picture of the Mosel valley taped to the ...

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Pinot Blanc, an Eggs-ellent Wine for Breakfast (Lunch and Dinner)

Between Winter’s silvery chill and Summer’s golden heat is the mellow yellow, shimmering warmth of Spring sunshine. Between the minerally leanness of Alpine Pinot Grigio and lush California ...

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Everything You Need to Know about Alsace

It's been over a year since I've done one of these quick wine region guides, and I've been debating what area I wanted to tackle next. Alsace has long been one of my favorite wine producing regions, ...

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Have You Ever Dunked your Oreo in a Glass of Sherry?

Last week, I received my study material for Fine Vintage's WSET Level 3 certification course, which I'll be immersed in for six days. The textbook opens up with a foreward by Jancis Robinson, the ...

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