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  • The Chopping Blog

Simple and Delicious Meals to Start Your Day

I will never tire of hearing the term 'simple and delicious' in regard to meals prepped and enjoyed at home. I am a firm believer in the notion of eating your first meal of the day within the first ...

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Instantly Mediterranean

If you love your Instant Pot and air fryer as much as I do, or even if you haven't even taken your appliances out of the box yet, today is a big day. Instantly Mediterranean by Emily Paster is here, ...

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Delving into the Simplicity of Snacking Cakes

I know I’m not alone on this, but for the past several months while on a self-imposed (and at times, a state-imposed) lockdown, I spent a lot of time experimenting with recipes. It all began with no ...

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Around the World in 80 Eggs

Eggs are one of the most versatile ingredients in the culinary world. There are by far over 80 thousand ways to prepare and use them. From breakfast, lunch and dinner to dessert they can be eaten in ...

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Go for the Greek Yogurt

Are you trying to lose weight, following what you think is a relatively low-calorie diet and having no success? One of the biggest culprits could be the sauces or dressings you use on your food. ...

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Improve your Digestion with (Dairy-free) Yogurt

If you have experienced any kind of digestive upset or issues, chances are, your doctor has recommended that you take a probiotic pill or eat more probiotic-rich foods. Probiotics are living bacteria ...

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Food Comics: Frozen Pops

We are pleased to introduce Food Comics from The Chopping Block where our resident Cartoonist Tom O'Brien illustrates his cooking adventures. Here, he shows us how to make a variety of different ...

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Cheese Making at Home Part 3: Labneh "Yogurt Cream Cheese"

I will be honest. I had never actually heard of Labneh prior to my cheese making classes at the Ploughshare Institute in Waco, Texas. I was not only intrigued about the cheese making process but also ...

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Cheese Making at Home Part 2: Cream Cheese and Yogurt

I must say I was a little embarrassed that I didn’t know that cream cheese was made from sour cream when I arrived at my two-day cheese making class at the Ploughshare Institute in Waco, Texas. ...

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