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  • The Chopping Blog

Use Lard for a More Perfect Pie Crust

We find ourselves in the early stages of high summer. This unfortunate circumstance comes with many downsides if you live in upstate New York. Blistering temperatures (hotter every year!), air thick ...

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The Joys of Cheating

My grandma is a legendary pie crust maker. She knows her way around a canister of Crisco like nobody else, and the flakiness she gets in her pie crust is unmatched. I have her recipe, but mine never ...

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Old Fashioned Peach Cream Pie

When I moved to Southwest Michigan, I did it for several reasons, the number one being its close proximity to Chicago, where The Chopping Block is based. I love Chicago, but I also longed to live in ...

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Grilled, Dairy-Free Hand Pies

Late spring/early summer fruit is filling the farmers markets. I bought a bunch of rhubarb—the fruitiest vegetable, which I love dearly. And of course I bought strawberries, because they were there ...

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A Lemony, Sweet and Salty North Carolina Treat: Tweak Or Not To Tweak

A couple of years ago, while watching an episode of Cook's Country on PBS, I discovered the North Carolina Lemon Pie. It immediately got my attention because the crust was made entirely out of ...

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Triple Chocolate Pudding Pie

This pie isn’t for amateurs. This is a hard-core, chocolate-lover's dessert, so get ready for the ultimate chocolate experience. This pie utilizes three different types of chocolate including cocoa ...

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Apple-icious Treats

How odd to talk about apples now, right? We have an abundance of fresh Summer fruits and berries available, and I’m suggesting you cook with apples? But stick with me for a minute! What’s one of the ...

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How to Roll Pie Dough

If you want to earn your baking creds, learning how to roll pie dough is a must but don’t feel alone if you have had some failures! Doughs of any kind require more than just a good recipe; they ...

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Mini Cherry Lattice Pies

We are starting to see warmer temps and the snow melting in Chicagoland, and I can smell the spring weather right around the corner. For whatever reason, spring season makes me think of pie!

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From Pie Student to Pie Philanthropist

Cece Coffey had attempted to make a decent pie for years, but it was always a crap-shoot. Sometimes her pies would come out beautifully and other times, they wouldn't but she had no idea why. So, she ...

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